Do you believe when people say to be careful with your wishes because it may turn real one day?
This year has been on of those where i finally got my wishes granted.
I always dreamed of a challenging job. Somewhere where i can learn and manage at the same time. Where i can run the place and put some ideas working, remembering others actions and successes, past mistakes and perhaps giving daily duties a little twist.
I also wanted to move on with my personal life. It seemed to be stucked and going in circles for the past few years, and that certainly affected my career and my projection and view about life.
Something in me kept on saying that I needed a big change. A change that will leave an impact. Somehow i knew I had great things in life, and that i had things set for me, but i just felt like i didnt know how to appreciate it. At the same time, I had felt there were things I still had to accomplish and staying still in a life period was not going to get me there.
So i asked myself over and over, and it all came to the same conclusion - I needed a change.
So this year everything turned, and it all turned at the same time.(Did I ask for some dramatic/traumatic experience? ha!). I got a new job that is extremely challenging in different aspects, a confusing personal life and...
let's just say, I was missing the "good" - problem free life. All those so called problems I used to have, were nothing but winings from someone who had nothing to worry about.
Ironically, I don't regret any of these changes. The 180 degree change in life taught me a few many things. A problem free, clueless person suddenly became a tiny bit more aware of the real life and began to learn about chores ownership, responsibilities, money, family, commitment, love. Of course, many other lessons came with it, like GTD, honest public speaking 101 (my biggest mistake yet in my professional area), diligence, etc.
On my recet trip to Lake George I had some time to think about this complex thing called life. Looking back just a few months, i feel that life is just funny and has a great way of teaching someone to grow. Every action that you take is an executive decision you make in your life. Sometimes those decisions are logical and sometimes they are just emotional. But in the end they all get linked and somehow creates a circle of events called life. I thought it was great that i've got to experience these changes, simply because it makes me appreciate life at a higher level. Welcome to life 2.0
Everything happens for a reason. It happens because you want it to happen, and when it happens, it leads to other things that linked together marks a path for your to walk on and becomes your destiny. Does it sound like a slightly twisted version of
The Alchemist perhaps?