Friday, January 25, 2008

Who is right and who is wrong?

The other day I was riding the subway and saw something very particular. It really made me see things from a different perspective.

It was a crowded morning. Everybody was rushing to work. Like any other rush hour day on the subways of NYC, everybody was crowding at the entrance of the wagon, leaving a huge space right in the middle of the cart.

As it is expected, more people would try to get in by squeezing every part of their body before the double doors close right in - their faces (ass, arm, purse) whatever that is sticking out.

Of course, everybody starts screaming - "stop pushing!!!" "You don't fit" "Ah!"
and some faces start turning left and right, some eyes start rolling...

In the mean time, the same people who are screaming, are the ones who are just standing in front of the double doors, and who are not moving into the empty area for others to get in...

So, who is right and who is wrong?

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