Thursday, October 19, 2006

Happy 1 Year anniversary!

I made it and i'm still alive!

Tuesday was 1 year since I started my new job. I can't deny that it has been a tough year, but it has also been a year full of learning and new experiences.

I wanted to take a moment to Thank my family and friends who were so supportive at all times and helped me go through this battle.

It is amazing how right on that day - one year after I started - I saw clearly how many things changed as a product of the work and dedication I have put this year.
It was that particular Hello, that particular Thank You, that particular Opinion, that gave me the clue that I had proven myself to the team.

Thanks again, I wouldn't have done it without your support.

1 comment:

rob said...

Congrats on making the year. You are doing a great job there!